Saturday, May 21, 2011

Extensive possession

Can you imagine how we are mind possessed that even knowing that mind is an illusion we keep on some how believing in it, can't smell it ,can't touch it, has no substance but we are kept in cycles within it and resisting letting go a being, feeds on relationships and jealousness, are we gonna keep on living this way judging everything that comes our way? Are we gonna keep on blaming others for our own fuck ups. Self responsibility has never come easier due to our ignorance and wanting others to take responsibility of our fuckupness , let's us all stop each one,one by one so to bring a world where trust will reign.we are equally HERE and becAuse of our world systems that is us. it does not seem that way, mess in the head= mess in the world. self forgiveness and practical common sense. We have all allowed and accepted this reality the way it is, lets change all change it! We are alone

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